338. Warm up with Toronto’s best hot chocolate!

December 4, 2011

Hate winter? Even the most determined winter-despiser loves hot chocolate! Who can resist a cup of steaming melted chocolate on a cold, snowy day?! We wouldn’t suggest you warm up with any hot chocolate though…we suggest you warm up with some of the best hot chocolate in Toronto! Here’s are three fantastic places to grab a delicious cup of drinking chocolate in the city:

1. SOMA Chocolatemaker

Located in the Distillery District, SOMA is one of the few artisan chocolate-makers on the continent that creates chocolate in small batches, right from the cacao bean. The result is fantastic chocolate truffles and incredible drinking chocolate. If you’re looking for something unique, this is the right place. Order Mayan hot chocolate, and it will be made fresh for you on the spot. The mix includes chilies, cinnamon, ginger, orange peel and vanilla, and of course SOMA’s amazing chocolate. Get it served to you in a shot glass for a spicy shot of chocolate you’ll never forget, or have milk added to it for a more classic concoction. SOMA Chocolatemaker is located at 55 Mill Street.

2. Xococava

Pronounced “cho-co-cava” and known for serving up hot chocolate so thick it has been compared to pudding, Xococava is not your typical chocolate shop. Described as “punk rock mad science chocolate,” this shop is known to create some of the most unique truffles around – think chorizo chocolate (yes, as in the meat), and cedar chocolate (yes, as in the tree). Their hot chocolate isn’t quite as out there, but is semisweet and deliciously rich. It can be served “straight up,” with milk or soy milk, or with coffee. Xococava is located at 1560 Yonge Street.

3. Bulldog Coffee

Bulldog Coffee is not a chocolate shop, yet their hot chocolate has won its owner a best barista medal. After all, Ghirardelli chocolate + micro foamed milk = amazing hot chocolate, chocolatier or not! Located at 89 Granby Street (just south of Church & Wellesley Village), Bulldog Coffee offers their traditional, award-winning chocolate as well as the “Blanco Bulldog” – white hot chocolate with a shot of espresso for that perfect sugar/caffeine combo.

Hot Chocolate