11. Register for a trial box from Organics Delivered

January 11, 2011

Everyone’s heard about the “dirty dozen” and the benefits of eating organic produce, but when it comes down to it, organic fruits and veggies can be difficult to find in your local grocery store, and when you do find them, you are bound to pay a substantial amount for your desire to eat healthy, clean food. Organics Delivered saves you the difficulty of finding organic produce, is cheaper than the organic fruits and veggies at your local grocery store, and even delivers the goods right to your doorstep!

Organics Delivered

If you register today for a two trial box from Organics Delivered, you’ll receive two regular-sized boxes of delicious, healthy, organic produce for $79.90. Around the time of your second delivery (deliveries are either one or two weeks apart, based on your preference), Organics Delivered will contact you to see if you’d like to subscribe for regular delivery of their organic produce. Not only is delivery free, the company tracks the fruits and veggies that you don’t want in your food box, and will supplement your produce with the items you love!

To find out if Organic Delivered delivers to your area, and to find out more about signing up for a two trial box, go to the Organics Delivered website.