28. Winterlicious

January 28, 2011

2011 marks the ninth annual Winterlicious, Toronto’s culinary prix fixe event.

Winterlicious 2011

This is your opportunity to try a selection of appetizers, mains, and desserts from some of the city’s top restaurants, from $15 to $25 for lunch menus, and from $25 to $45 for dinner menus. Whether you’re sampling butter chicken from Amaya’s Bread Bar; Wood Grilled Cumin Chipotle BBQ Lamb Ribs, Black Bean Sweet Corn Salsa and Duck Fat Frites at Fred’s Not Here or a Lemon Lavender Tart with Milk Chocolate Cream, Toasted Meringue and Amaretto Custard at Sassafraz, your taste buds will thank you for participating in one of Toronto’s most popular winter events.

Reservations started on January 13th and menus are up for viewing on the Winterlicious websites so plan your culinary triumphs – after all, there are only fourteen days to partake in this event – with 150 restaurants to choose from, you have your work cut out for you!