106. Evergreen Brick Works Farmers’ Market

April 16, 2011

Hosted at the Young Welcome Centre on Saturdays from 9am until 1pm (in the summer the start time is 8am), the Evergreen Brick Works Farmers’ Market features the “best of the season.” Shop for fruits, vegetables, wild fish, meat, cheese, milled flours, eggs, and oils, all grown/raised/produced by local farmers. Purchasing local food is better for the environment, tastes fresher, and is good for your conscience – supporting Ontario farmers is a great way to “green” up your life!

Evergreen Brick Works Farmers' Market

Rhubarb, beets, cabbage, carrots, fiddleheads, parsnips, and many greenhouse-grown fruits and veggies are all in season in April, so visit Evergreen Brick Works and do your produce shopping for the week! Not only will you get your grocery shopping done, you’l have the opportunity to visit Toronto’s new community environmental centre in the heart of the Don Valley. For more information about Evergreen Brick Works, visit http://ebw.evergreen.ca/.