186. Interactive Demonstration: Summer Grillin’ Host the Perfect Backyard BBQ

July 5, 2011

Ever dreamed of hosting the “perfect backyard BBQ,” hailed by friends and neighbours as the “event of the summer?” Now’s your chance to make that dream a reality! St. Lawrence Market has several fantastic butchers, and Chef Geraldine Cutajar will introduce you to a variety of meats that make for great grilling! You’ll be treated to a grilling demo, while a guest event coordinator will teach you the “do’s and don’ts” of hosting that perfect outdoor party, complete with entertaining and budget tips. The menu will consist of appetizers, a main item, and dessert – all right from the grill!

Summer Grillin'

Today’s Interactive Demonstration starts at 6pm, and costs $85 per person (+HST). To register. call 416-860-0727, email kitchen@stlawrencemarket.com, or reserve your spot online!